WA Ultimate is proud to present Western Regionals hosted by Bronze Bullseye Ultimate Club. This event is open to all WA teams wishing to take part.
Western Regionals is the WA State Ultimate Championships. This event has been running in its current form since 2007. This is WA's premier separate gender event and is also the recognised qualification tournament for teams wishing to compete at the 2021 Australian Ultimate Championships Division I or Division II events.
Venue: UWA Sports Park
Date: Sunday 21st February
Schedule: 9am - 5pm
Cost: $50 Team Registration Fee, $35 player fee
Note: With 4 or fewer teams in both genders registered the tournament has been modified to be a single-day event held on the Sunday 21st February.
Eligibility Requirements:
This is a state championship event as and as such standard expectations apply, each team will need to:
Each team will need to appoint a Captain and a Spirit Captain
All players on your roster MUST have their STANDARD rules accreditation and a minimum of 6 MUST have the advanced accreditation (this must include your Captain and Spirit Captain).
Proof of Rules Accreditation
Your team must provide proof of rules accreditation by the deadline. It is suggested that the Spirit Captain collect certificates prior to the deadline to ensure a smooth process.
Submission of a team list is required and must include the following information:
Full Name of each playing registrant,
WFDF Username as displayed on their certificate,
The date the test was completed
Date of expiry
To download your certificate, head to the WFDF Rules website below; login and click MY RESULTS and download your certificate. The certificate will include all of these details required.
Players can gain accreditation at http://rules.wfdf.org/accreditation
Players can register to login at http://rules.wfdf.org/register
Payment Information:
Fees and deadlines for the Western Regionals 2021 are as follows:
Team Registration Fee Due |
$50 per team upon registration |
Upon registration of your team. |
Team Registration Closes |
Team Registration Closes |
5 February 2020 |
Captain and Spirit Captain are registered |
This needs to be clearly identified on your team registration rosters |
12 February 2020 |
Individual Team Player Fees Due |
TBC per person - only accepted as a lump sum payment. |
12 February 2020 |
Rules Accreditation Due |
Proof of all players rules accreditation level and status |
15 February 2020 |
COVID Management
In order to comply with the Sport and Recreation guidelines, some changes to the tournament must be made. These changes will affect you directly and a document outlining the changes is available at https://afda.com/p/alternats-covid-management-plan
Information for participant
You can compare the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), with the common cold and flu.
Feeling unwell? If you develop a fever, a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, contact a doctor or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
Self-isolate at home if presenting symptoms.
Information for clubs, peak sporting bodies or active recreation organisations
Notify health authorities.
Notify your peak body and the Department of Housing and Public Works (Sport and Recreation).
Communicate with officials, teams, participants, parents and carers.
Postal Address:
PO Box 222
Street Address:
McGillivray Road
Mount Claremont WA 6010
E-mail: contact@waultimate.com